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What is Wagyu? 

WAGYU is a Japanese beef cattle breed derived from native Asian cattle. The name ‘WAGYU’ refers to all Japanese beef cattle, where ‘Wa’ means Japanese and ‘gyu’ means cow.

Wagyu were originally draft animals used in Japanese agriculture, and were selected for their physical endurance. This selection favoured animals with more intra-muscular fat cells, or ‘marbling’, which provided a readily available source of energy. Wagyu are either black or red in colour.

Wagyu Breed History in Japan

There is some evidence of genetic separation into the Wagyu genetic strain as much as 35000 years ago. Modern Wagyu cattle are the result of crossing of the native cattle in Japan with imported breeds. Crossing began in 1868 after the Meiji restoration in that year. The government wanted to introduce Western food habits and culture. Brown Swiss, Devon, Shorthorn, Simmental, and Ayrshire cattle were imported during this period. The infusions of these British, European and Asian breeds were closed to outside genetic infusions in 1910.

In Japan there are four breeds that are considered Wagyu and those are the Japanese Black, Japanese Brown, Japanese Polled and Japanese Shorthorn.
The production of Wagyu beef in Japan is highly regulated and progeny testing is mandatory. Only the very best proven genetics are kept for breeding. Realizing the value of their unique product, the Japanese Government banned the export of Wagyu in the late 1990’s and declared them a national living treasure.

Australia received its first Wagyu genetics, a Wagyu female, in 1990. Frozen semen and embryos have been available since 1991 and there have been further imports of live Purebreds.

The most significant importation of live cattle took place in 1997 when the first live Fullbloods came into Australia.

Australia has a range of unique Wagyu Fullblood genetics found nowhere else outside Japan. The Wagyu breed is unsurpassed for its marbling and ability to improve meat quality.

Marbling score is a component of the AUS-MEAT beef quality grading system, and refers to visible fat found between muscle fibre bundles and is assessed within the ribeye muscle. Marbling is scored from 0 – 9.


Quality Foods Australia hold the relevant licenses and accreditation certificates. Our quality control process ensures we deliver a premium product that has been accredited by AUS-MEAT.

Our staff are Non-Packer Exporter accredited and adhere to comprehensive Quality Assurance programs established by AUS-MEAT.


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